The Power of Self-Love: Women’s Perspective: How to Attract the Man You Love by Giovanna Goncalves

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The Power of Self-Love: Women’s Perspective: How to Attract the Man You Love by Giovanna Goncalves

The Power of Self-Love: Women’s Perspective: How to Attract the Man You Love by Giovanna Goncalves" /Power-Self-Love-Perspective-Unstoppable-Relationships-ebook/dp/B01MQJXD62

Free 12/1/2016 - 12/5/2016!

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all

As women, sometimes we just want to be happy and we make that mistake of trying to force someone to be with us so we can be happy. However, the truth is that if you cannot love yourself first and make yourself happy, no one is going to be able to do that for you.

For many years, I struggled with rejection.

I felt that life was unfair and people were simply ungrateful- especially men. I mean, I was that woman that gave my all in relationships. I held nothing back; money, time, attention, help, sacrifice, everything- I gave it all but it was never enough. I would watch how the same men I gave everything and sacrificed so much for, moved on to go and be with some other women who would barely lift a finger for them.

What is happening to me? I would always wonder. Then I concluded that the goddess of love hated me. I must have offended her/him/them in my previous life and now I was being punished for it. I was going to find love no matter what I did...

This book will teach you everything you need to know about self-love, from what self-love is to how to love yourself unconditionally. Once you learn to love yourself, you will be more confident, your self-esteem and self-worth will improve, you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life that people would want to be a part of, including the man of your dreams.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

What Is Self Love?
How To Practice Self-Love
How To Embrace Self-Acceptance
Practice Self-Affirmation
Practice Self-Forgiveness
And Many, Many More!

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